I wanted to create a 'one stop shop' for all the Graphics and D&T projects that you D&T teachers out there need - Please get in touch if you need something and I will see if i can make it up for you! Stay safe, y'all!
I wanted to create a 'one stop shop' for all the Graphics and D&T projects that you D&T teachers out there need - Please get in touch if you need something and I will see if i can make it up for you! Stay safe, y'all!
This is an artist worksheet, that includes analysis questions about Van Gogh’s Self-portrait with straw hat – 1887/88. This is suitable for lesson, cover, home work or baseline assessment.
On this all in one sheet, there are boxes for students to:
copy and complete a Van Gogh image
write their answers in, discussing the style of the artist
Self/teacher assessment with WWW and EBI success criteria provided.
If you found this resource helpful, please leave positive comments, as this really helps. Thank you.
The rationale:
As D&T teachers return to school, we need a sit down/non-tool based project to start the students off, due to the Coronavirus.
This 6 x 1 hour lesson mini project is an ‘all in one’ prepared resource, containing lesson by lesson powerpoints and differentiated booklets that can be used by subject specialists and non-D&T teachers alike, perfect for cover work as well. The project ends with a sit down design and make lesson.
The project is driven by high end, attractive and informative power points, which have detailed instructions and notes, step-by-step animations, with starter, main and plenary activities, as well as home learning included.
Learning Outcomes:
This graphics project is aimed at Year 9 (13 year old) students, who will gain an understanding of how to:
• Lesson 1: Draw in 2 point perspective
• Lesson 2: Adding cast shadows in 2 point perspective
• Lesson 3: How to draw in Isometric P.2
• Lesson 4: 3rd angle orthographic translation from Isometric
• Lesson 5: How to design branding, typography and colour
• Lesson 6: Design and make a Point of Display using a NET
Project plan:
A scheme of work is also included as a MS Publisher file. This explains the: learning outcomes, starter, main and plenary activities as well as resources required and homework.
The booklets are differentiated into two categories:
• ‘LA’ Booklet having additional support in terms of the outcomes as well as sentence stems, word banks, etc.
• The second category of booklet has differentiation in the form of more open ended tasks as well as ‘Super Challenges’.
This is designed to simulate an NEA project, where students will research, design, model, and prototype and evaluate a 3D printed object for a specific target market. This lesson focusses on Styrofoam modelling, creating a more ergonomic handle for a tactile object. The students really enjoyed this lesson and also it is relatively easy to conduct especially under current circumstances.
This lesson is driven by a high end, attractive and informative power point, which has detailed instructions and notes, step-by-step animations, with starter(‘To do’), main and plenary activities, as well as home learning included.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will gain an understanding of how to:
Students will gain an understanding of the difference between Mock ups & Prototypes and what they are: Used for & Made of
Practical: Watch the animation, follow school health and safety guidance, measure, mark out and make mock up models!
Students consider ergonomics by testing and applying quality control to the mock up model throughout practical, to consider how a client with arthritis can hold their toothbrush more comfortably
Links to NEA
Lesson plan:
A Lesson plan is also included as a MS Publisher file. This explains the: learning outcomes, starter, main and plenary activities as well as resources required and homework.
Work sheets:
These are mainly PPT files, but the final evaluation is MS Publisher, which is differentiated in the form of sentence starters.
Please leave a positive review if you found these resources helpful, Thank You!
This is the perfect resource for remote learning to get students enthused, confident and carrying on, with a high quality power point, with highly detailed guidance, examples and specialist technical knowledge, with relevant visuals and animations, techniques and directed tasks to get them finishing off Section D!
This is an extremely comprehensive resource that covers this entire unit.
Learning outcomes:
In this A level coursework task, Students will gain an understanding of:
How the mark scheme translates into 3 chunked research tasks:
How to explain how their intended prototype would be fully address the design brief, satisfying all major points of the specification also meeting the needs/requirements of their client
The specialist technical subject knowledge of section with strong emphasis on researching the correct tools, materials and equipment, as well as health and safety, quality control and relevance to their intended prototype manufacture
Students will learn how to represent this intended manufacture process as a detailed manufacturing diary, considering health and safety as well as quality control.
I have gone into an incredible level of detail on the manufacture processes, including:
Wasting processes, Sawing & jointing, Drilling, Turning , Polymer forming processes: Vacuum forming, Line bending , CAD CAM processes: Laser cutting, 3d printing, Metal processes: Casting, MIG welding, Soldering, Standard components and fixings, Knock down fittings, Fixings, Tensol glue, Epoxy resin, PVA glue, Finishes, Adding veneer, Painting with acrylic/stain/watercolour, and finally Varnishing. I also mention injection moulding and industrial processes.
This aspect of the power point alone makes this an invaluable resource for exam revision as it covers all the core specialist Technical knowledge aspects in the A level course.
Potential learning outcomes:
Next 4 - 5 slides/pages of NEA / Length – 3 - 5 lessons (including student activity)
This is one of my TES units dealing with the 2021 A level NEA. Please look to the resources here for other sections (A and A1):
https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=25805054&q=A level NEA product design&shop=surfacedetail1
Also I have extensive NEA resources for the GCSE NEA, here:
https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=25805054&q=GCSE NEA&shop=surfacedetail1
I hope these help you and your students succeed!
Please add a positive review/some stars if you found this useful as this really helps; THANK YOU!
2021 AQA DT GCSE NEA Guide to Section E
This is the perfect resource for remote learning to get students enthused, confident and carrying on, with a high quality power point, with highly detailed guidance, examples, with relevant visuals and animations, techniques and directed tasks to get them finishing off Section F!
This is an extremely comprehensive resource that covers this entire section.
Learning outcomes:
In this GCSE coursework task, Students will gain an understanding of:
How the mark scheme translates into chunked analysis and evaluation tasks
Analysis and self- evaluation, client opinion and third party opinion that has occurred throughout the portfolio
How to create an index of this
How to evaluate the success of their final design against their original specification (section B)
How to write an evaluative summary of what they found out, based on questions for every section of an NEA, including research methods, Design Process, Mock ups/prototype stage, Manufacture process, CAD/CAM process, including testing and conclusion
How to structure their response in complex sentences, using P.E.E., supported by using differentiated materials in the form of sentence stems with clear success criteria.
Potential learning outcomes:
Next 3+ slides/pages of NEA / Length – 3 lessons (including student activity)
This is one of my 6 part TES units dealing with the 2021 GCSE NEA. Please look to the resources here for section A (first two), section B and a combination section C/D unit/power point as well as section E (which reflects the most recent changes to the marks scheme):
I hope these help you and your students succeed!
Please add a positive review/some stars if you found this useful as this really helps; THANK YOU!
GCSE/A level CAD Challenge Design your dream headphones!
This extremely comprehensive resource that covers at least 2-3 lessons is suitable for both GCSE and A level classes (whom I have tried and tested this with and they have fed back how much they enjoyed it!). The 1st idea to get them working independently to learn new design skills and specialist technical knowledge. The 2nd idea is to get them away from ‘design fixation’ which I have found a lot with the NEA’s.
This is the perfect resource for remote learning to get students enthused, confident and carrying on independently, with a high quality power point, with highly detailed guidance, examples and specialist technical knowledge, with relevant visuals and animations, YouTube tutorials and directed tasks. This is also suitable as cover work.
Learning outcomes: Students will gain an understanding of:
Secondary research techniques (mood board)
How to gain knowledge by watching a YouTube video (the link is only available through this purchase) and then go to creatively develop design ideas of headphones, using the CAD program, sketch up free
Detailed Specialist Technical subject knowledge with page numbers already cross-referenced and a detailed explanation of the process already included with strong emphasis on researching the correct machinery, materials and equipment, as well as what scale of production.
Extension tasks: Create a flowchart of headphone manufacture
Potential learning outcomes:
3-4 power point slides/ Length: 2 – 3 lessons (including student activity)
Please look at my other resources to find similarly highly detailed, high quality resources that are up to date for 2021 for both GCSE and A level design and technology and product design NEA’s and courses
I hope these help you and your students enjoy and learn as it did mine!
Please add a positive review/some stars if you found this useful as this really helps; THANK YOU!